Native American lawyer would be stellar pick as judge

I have had the pleasure of hearing both Keith Harper and John Echohawk speak. Pawnee jokes aside, John is a stand up guy. I am proud to call the Native American Rights Fund one of my clients and thoroughly enjoy the work that I do for them. I’m glad to see articles like this. It [...]

Freedom of the Press and the Osage News

It’s often argued that no society is truly free if their presses are owned by the state. General consensus of the citizenry is that state controlled presses are a problem of the global “third world” and/or nations run by fascists. So why do we, as Osage’s tolerate this? To be honest, I feel I am [...]

Separation of Powers & “The Budget”

Over the past four years our fledgling democracy has experienced the growing pains as all young democracies do. And as such each branch will attempt to test the limits and constitutionality of its actions. In the absence of precedent much of this back and forth can look like pointless squabbling, but at the end of [...]

Ha.we Everyone! The site is live!

I want to officially welcome you all to I hope this website can facilitate a constructive debate about our Nation and our community as a whole. This website is here in the hopes that a conversation will emerge about solutions and will not mire in the depths of hear-say and mis-information. enjoy! and happy [...]