Ha.we world!

More information coming soon


5 Responses to “Ha.we world!”

  1. Jake Heflin says:

    Looking Good. Great Idea. Let me know what information you are looking for and what format you want it in. Thanks for the opportunity to participate.

  2. Looks good. One suggestion, though: I see “Executive” and I see “Congressional”, but I think it’s important that the Judiciary not be excluded. Okay, sure, I’m one of the judges who is up for retention, but I think the absence of a Judiciary category demonstrates what little information is out there about the Judiciary.

    I would recommend a category for the Judiciary with an explanation as to how the judges fit into the election. Under the Constitution, the voters get to decide whether the four appointed judges retain their positions or not for another four years. If they are retained, they serve another four years in their current positions. If they are not retained, then the next Principal Chief fills the vacancies using the appointment process.

    The judges can participate by providing relevant information about themselves to the Osage voters.

    I think it’s important that the community be informed about all aspects of the election, including this unique element in which judges are either retained by a vote of the people, or relieved of their office.

    Just my thoughts, though. Thanks for the site!

  3. Jen says:

    Hey Guys, Do you think you could put the date of the election on the first page? I’m referring folks to this but I couldn’t find the ‘day of’ I know, I’m trying to become ‘informed’ ; )

    Otherwise, looking awesome and so very needed!
    Jen Tiger

  4. It`s a good start, but like the candidate said that time,”Where`s the beef”??
    I also would like to welcome you to your new spot on “Blog Talk Radio” believe your show is titled `VotingOsage’. Once you get it up and running I`ll link and refer as a listener. There`s so much to talk about present,past and in case you don`t forget the future in the Osage. Well! that`s all the goody-two-shoes stuff I can put out today, have to get ready for my own show on Blog Talk Radio, Osage Post-Host Homer_J at 5:30 P.M. Central Standard Time the toll free call in number will appear on the screen. That`s all I have to say, till the show,later~Homer_J

  5. admin says:

    I have added a judicial category, and am open to lots of suggestions, so if you have them let me know!

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