A great deal of our time and energy is spent on who to choose that has declared their candidacy but many times some of the best leaders within our community are those who develop into great individuals directly under our noses. Sometimes they are quiet. Sometimes they are not. But they show up everyday and do a good job. Who in our community would you like to see declare their candidacy that you would vote for that has yet to put their name in for Osage Elections 2010.
On March 24, 2010,
in Candidate Issues, Osage Congress, Osage Executive Branch, Qualifications,
by Ryan Red Corn
I think any one of the three Osage Nation Supreme Court justices should run for elected office. The Court’s opinion on the Principal Chief v. Congress litigation was the intellectual high water mark of the last four years, as far as I am concerned. The justices based their decisions on the issues, and not how the issues affected them personally, which is the mark of a true leader and a characteristic sadly often lacking.
Was that first post a little too harsh, are we a little thin skinned, a little critcism never harms anyone, better from a old Osage County boy(shareholder) then someone else.
Homer this site is for Osages voting in the general election. Pertaining to issues and candidates directly related to the the election of Osage Congress, Osage Chief and Asst. Chief. There are no minerals candidates on here. This thread in particular is asking the Osage community for names of Osage leaders they would like see run for any one of the generally elected positions previously mentioned.
The leaders we seek for our Nation must be well versed in public service. They must lead by example. They must serve in a manner that is beyond reproach. They must seek the counsel of the people and listen to all sides of an issue. They must be patient and courteous and serve as an example for others to follow. They must avoid potentially dangerous scenarios in which public perception questions their ethics. They must be accountable for their actions. A leader is selfless and does things not because they are popular but because they are right. They must be willing to serve our Osage citizens, not their own ambition. A leader is a humble servant.
My grandmother, Mary Rose Bighorse-Gann. She is one of the strongest women that I have ever known in my lifetime. She retired from Osage Nation, 1979. Something that a lot of people do not know, she is the reason why we do have an Education Department. She was the secretary, file clerk, assistant social worker, and in some instances, Acting Director, for our Social Services department, for over 25 years. Back then, the higher ed. scholarship applications were distributed from Social Services. She started out with the families who came into her office, assisting them with the applications to apply for funding for college. Next, she would contact people that she knew with college-age children, and get applications out to them. Large numbers of families had no idea that our tribe even had money for college, back then. She was hard working, strong willed, and not afraid to speak up on behalf of what was right and wrong. My grandmother was one of the greatest teachers that I have ever had! It was from her example and teachings, where I draw my own strength and ability to also stand up for what is right and wrong.
Someone that can’t be bought under any circumstances whatsoever.
With the poll on this page and the ballots we vote on I think “none of the above” needs to be a choice. If none of the platforms being presented are
what we as a people support we should not have to choose the least evil
canidate. There needs to be a way to say no when things are headed in the wrong direction.
Clay that’s a really good suggestion, and I will take that into consideration when I reset the poll next Wednesday morning.
I would like folks to consider a very curtious and intelegent young man. I consider him to be a friend and I don’t use that term lightly. I recomend Otto Hamilton for a Tribal position.
I know a lady, relations, who has very high standards, can not be bought and should run for a seat. My relations Mary Easly Avery. Some one would have to talk her into it other than family. Mary lives in the village.