Hello, my name is Daniel Boone. I am the second son of Thomas and Cynthia Boone. I am 37 years old and I am from the Grayhorse District. My father is on the Grayhorse Committee and my mother is on the Minerals Council. I am the paternal great grandson of Rosa Strikeaxe. I was named by Girard Blackbird, I am a member of the First Baptist Church, Pawhuska.

I have worked for the Osage Tribe at the Osage Tribal Museum were I was awarded a Smithsonian Internship at the National Museum of the American Indian. I have worked as an engineering technician and an aircraft mechanic. Currently I operate a farm and I own and operate a landscape business with my brother.

As an elected official we need to work together as a team doing what is best for the nation and that is what I will strive to do if I am elected.

Campaign points.

• Not afraid to amend the constitution
• Stop compacting with the state
• Jurisdiction of the Mineral Estate is best left to the Mineral Council
• Transparency and accountability

I am #11 on the ballot and I would appreciate your vote on June 7.

Come by my campsite on election day and I will put a meatpie in your mouth , strawberry pop in your hand, and a smile on your face.

Daniel Boone
P.O. Box 1232
Pawhuska, Ok 74056
(918) 698-6489


1 Response » to “Daniel Boone Announces Candidacy for Osage Congress”

  1. Catchempony-Debra L. Roe-Kinzie says:

    Hi Daniel good to see you again .Thank you for dinner and history lesson on lookout hill. As Im so greatful for this and wouldnt know about all the places the osages have been or called home ,tradition’s ect if you didnt take out time to teach me about these fact’s. I look forward to a day when we can get together spend more time as I and my son’s are very interested in our ancestor’s. I wish you a long and sucsessful jouney in all thing’s that you do.Hopefully we can all have one vison for the osage people as to move to the future with the wind power ,and such and hold more dance’s so will never forget the past. Your friend Deb,Roe-Kinzie <3

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