I have been and will continue to be a student and a supporter of the language department. I think the program is critical to our survival as a people and as political sovereign entity. I would also like to see our Osage government and elected leaders fully restore funding to the levels they were prior to this past year. I sit on the board of the friends of the Osage Language along with candidate Scott Bighorse, Larry Sellers, Ed Shaw and Bruce Cass. The purpose of the organization is to supplement the funding gap created by the budget decisions made this year as well create an avenue of funding that can not be left to the political whims of the Osage government.
Osage News by Benny Polacca
NORMAN, Okla. – Osage language instructor Talee Red Corn’s class at Pawhuska High School earned third place on April 6 at the Oklahoma Native American Youth Language Fair for their video entry which parodied the 1992 film “Wayne’s World” while incorporating the Osage language into the plot.
The nine-minute student film titled “Osage Awakening” included several English-language rock songs for its background and featured several special camera effects used by the fictional characters “Wayne” and “Garth” in their 1990s-era comedy and film skits. Despite these modern-day influences, the students used the Osage language and culture in the plot.
Good job Uncle Mog, staff and students! I really appreciate and commend what your doing. I understand it’s hard to revitalize a language without support from Executive. Keep up the good work!
Thank you Jodie! Yes this year has been very hard on the Language Program. With the huge budget cuts, the introduction of a third party facilitator, nepotism running rampant in or office, and the political manueverings of elected officials and employee’s in our office, including some that are now running for office, this has been a very hard year for the Language. We have been unable to provide our students with as much help, supplies, and other logistical demands, as we are normally able to. However through help from Ed Shaw, Larry Sellers, and Ryan Red Corn and the Friends of the Osage Nation Language Program we have found ways to survive. I feel that these individuals and there organization deserve all our thanks, they picked up the slacked whem our elected officials dropped the ball. Thank you guys so much for your help this year! And thank you to all our students who have stood by and kept coming to learn! Your all the BEST!
I would also like to add that this year we did not do near as well at the language fair as we have in the past. However, this was not the fault of the teachers or students, it was due to the severe lack of funding that we recieved this year. Money is the energy that makes these programs go and when you dont have it, all forward momentum is stalled.
Yes I agree it has been a very difficult year for Language. Being involved in teaching Osage Language since 1998 and having been employed with the Language Program for over 6 years as a teacher and staff person, I have confidence that the Language Program will prosper and move toward a brighter future. After receiving our budget cuts from Congress and implemented by Executive last fall, we in the Language Program challenged ourselves to continue delivery of teaching and services, and I believe we all have done a great job. These employees (including those who are now running for office) were very instrumental at continuing excellent services and promoting the program in lieu of these budget cuts. As we know budget cuts from funding sources are a way of life for many, many organizations across this great country. But throughout history the American worker finds ways to improve our delivery in challenging times. I am so happy to now hear Osage being spoken by many Osage students not only in Pawhuska, but also in Hominy, Edmond, Skiatook and Fairfax. I have witnessed excellent growth in studetns speaking the Osage language for the last 12 years.
And a big Thank You to In.ta.tsi Zhin Mogri for keeping the language program moving forward because without him, there would not be a language program.
I found the need to comment on all the criticism that the executive branch is receiving for not adequately supporting the language program and for not showing adequate respect for Uncle Mogri who founded and has grown the program beyond the hopes of anyone in our government. I have to say that from my perspective as an Osage who has taken language classes, who has had my children in language classes, and as a mother who has had one of her children work in that program as a summer youth worker, nothing could be further from the truth. I would like to take this opportunity to set the record straight and to inform our Osage public that the problems with out language department do not lie with the executive branch or with the program director but rather with his staff.
We have some wonderful teachers who work for the language program and in my opinion our best teachers in the language department are Uncle Mogri and Talee Redcorn. Some of our other teachers refuse to participate in the office politics and pettiness that have run amuck in our language program and those teachers are to be commended. We would not have the program we have without the generosity and good hearts of people like John Maker, Bill Lynn, Bruce Cass, Danette Daniels, and a few others. I have to wonder how long we will retain such good people given what they have to deal with. The staff of our language department, however, is another story.
None of our Osage programs are given carte blanche to do whatever they want to do and all programs have their annual plans and budgets subject to the approval of both the executive branch and the congress. That is just the way it is but when those programs can justify their plans and the budgets that go along with those plans they have a much easier time gaining the approval of the two branches of government that oversee them. It appears to me that every time there is a question, concern, or disapproval the staff of the language department accuses the government not only of not supporting the language program but also of being disrespectful of Uncle Mogri. In my opinion it is the staff of the language department that is bringing that department down and is being disrespectful of Uncle Mogri.
It is my opinion that all that is keeping our language program going is the love and passion for the Osage language that Uncle Mogri possesses and the passion of our Osage citizens who want to learn their language. The constant in-fighting and personality conflicts of the staff which are so visible has raised the concern of the executive and legislative branches to the point where they may have realized that something needs to be done to protect the program, the students, and Uncle Mogri.
In my opinion, the behavior of the staff is what is disrespectful to Uncle Mogri and what is showing no support for our language program. There is a complete lack of professionalism within our language program and forcing Uncle Mogri to deal with immature and petty behavior is disrespectful to our people, our government, and Uncle Mogri who has worked so hard to see this program succeed. Our language program cannot exist without the knowledge, commitment and love that have been so freely given by Uncle Mogri. We have a complete lack of professionalism and respect given to site directors like Danette Daniels as well. I think it is pretty telling that Danette’s site is the one showing the most growth and retention of students among all of our sites.
When my teenage daughter would come in from work at the language program through summer youth it was appalling to hear her tell me that the behavior of the adults working in the program was worse than the behavior she witnessed from teenagers in high school with the pettiness and cliquishness that was displayed. She was under the impression that she would learn the skills needed to be a good employee through her work there. What a disappointment.
It is indeed time to see more support for our language program, and for our revered tribal elder and program founder Uncle Mogri. But that support needs to come from the language department staff in the form of professional behavior and a good work ethic. We must also remember that through their work with the language department and their exposure to our children that they have set themselves up to be role models and must take that responsibility seriously.
I have taken my children out of our language program and it has pained me to do so. I didn’t want my children exposed to such petty behavior as adults sitting around whispering and giving dirty looks. I didn’t want my children exposed to a staff that is constantly around our youth without even basic background checks being performed prior to employment to ensure the safety and well being of our Osage children. I have chosen instead to teach my children at home with the fundamentals that I learned while attending language class a few years ago. I can provide a better learning environment here which allows them to focus on learning our language without the office politics and gossip getting in the way.
The staff of the language department all professes to love Uncle Mogri and to love our language so I challenge each one of you to show him and the program the respect they deserve by holding yourselves to a higher standard and conducting yourselves in a professional manner. Start showing basic respect and consideration to your fellow workers so that we may see our language department improve and grow, and to alleviate the stress that Uncle Mogri must have to deal with because of your lack of such behavior. Remember that you have become role models for our young Osages and they are watching you.
I agree we have wonderful teachers who work for the Language Program and in my opinion our best teachers would be “all” of the teachers who have given their time to preserve our Language at one time or another. I agree we would not have the program without the generosity and good hearts of people like John Maker, Bill Lynn, Bruce Cass, Danette Daniels but I would like to also include to your chosen list the following teachers, Tracey Moore, Rebekah Horsechief, Veronica Pipestem, Cameron Pratt, Billy Proctor, Vonnie Wilson, Curtis Bear, Kayte Pratt, Stephanie Rapp, Harry Red Eagle Jr., Vann Bighorse, Larry Sellers, Milton Cunningham, Tammy Cunningham, Mary Bighorse, Bobby Davis, Dana Daylight, Danielle Cass, Ed Shaw, Donna Barrone, Debbie Atterberry, Jacque Jones, Josephine Dean, Talee Red Corn, Sherman Boldwarrior and Herman “Morgri” Lookout.
I found the need to comment on Olivia’s remark about Executive recieving criticism regarded the Osage language program. Maybe the disrespectfulness is executive’s restructuring and dividing the program and not allowing the director to make any decisions. The director I have heard has his hands tied. I think by blaming the director’s staff for being disrespectful is totally untrue! It appears that you approve of a side of the program perhaps since they are running for this years election or for your own reasons? What ever the case may be to mention a certain few is totally disrespectful for the staff who work so hard with their hands tied as well.
Technology these days costs alot and to operate with a “0″ balance falls in a ridiculous category. And to withhold funds whether it be from Exec. or Congress because there aren’t fluent speakers is ridiculous as well. The Osage language program is one of the top programs in Oklahoma even with all the baggage mentioned. With the Director and his staff who are truely committed and are there for the right reasons the language will be spoken. The children will be the fluent speakers and to hurt the children by not funding this program is dispectful.
Before you speak and seem as though you know so much please have some respect for those who stood by Uncle Mogri and truly supported him. As you mention names you support please do your homework before hurting feelings of other staff. In regard to the staff who stood with Uncle Mogri they are role models, respectful and come from good families. Thanks Jodie for letting us know who the entire language staff is made up of. I think it is time to let Uncle Mogri do his job as director and bring the program back like it was. I think Ms. Bigheart has proven to do all she can do at this point and its time to allow the program to do their job and preserve and teach Osage language. On a good note Olivia, your children will be the speakers of the Osage language so thank you so much for that!