Election Day… Every journey has a crossroads, so I find myself today standing at another milestone of my life.
I started this journey with the support of my family and friends. I write this message today with them still by my side. I have always thought my duties as a proud Osage has always been to support our people, pass on my family heritage, and cherish my humble beginnings.
I have said throughout this campaign for Osage Congress that I just want the people of the Osage Nation to be involved in the selection of our government officials. I have used many means of social networking to reach as many Osage as possible, no matter where they live. I hope my efforts have encouraged a few more of my brethren to “Let their voices be heard…” We come from a long line of powerful, intelligent, and courageous people. We have a duty to our ancestors to protect our Great Nation that they fought so hard to establish.
Now our Nation is faced with the possibility of losing our reservation, have our major source of income our casinos in turmoil, and have a Nation split by political rhetoric. Where do we go from here?
Do we fight as our ancestors would have wanted us to or do we cower down to the outside forces working against us?
I’m always reminded of the words of my daughter, she said to me “Dad we are only one United States Congressional act away from annihilation”. Please stop and thank about that for a moment… What kind of leaders will our Nation need to face this possibility?
I have faith in the people of our Nation that they will chose the right leaders after educating themselves on the issues. I have three goals that I want to accomplish Honor our Elders, Promote Strong Communication in our Government, and help the Nation Profit from Green Energy Sources.
I leave you with the words that I have come to live by, “One People, One Truth, One Nation, Our Future”.
Please stop by my Election Day Campsite and pick-up some water as a small thank you for coming out in the Oklahoma heat to place your Vote in our Nation’s election.
Thank you,
Vance Wyrick
Osage Nation Congress 2010