
These polls are intended to be fun. They are completely unscientific. We discourage candidates from sending out links to this site encouraging non-Osages to vote, or candidates from encouraging people to try to vote multiple times. If you are feel that the poll results are inaccurate, you are most likely correct. In order to lighten the mood, we have offered up an Osage food poll for one day. Enjoy the break, and tomorrow we will start our scheduled poll for Assistant Chief. Thank you.


9 Responses to “Polls”

  1. Ryan Red Corn says:

    I would just like to say I’m a little upset that it looks like I’m the only one that likes hominy… its so friggin’ delcious people, c’mon!

  2. Billy Keene says:

    Nothing beats Yonka Pins and some Frybread and Meat Gravy, I love Osage Dinners that also give you a meatpie, the cool thing about it is you can eat and be full as a tick; and still have a delicious meatpie waiting on you. MMMMMM!!!!!!!!

  3. admin says:

    Billy, the combination that you speak of just made my stomach attempt to eat itself. However, I’m still holding strong to my virtues on this one… hominy is the greatest. I’m not just saying that it can be made from my namesake…I’m saying it cause its the truth!

  4. Thawdley says:

    How is Wa.txan -1%?? It’s the most traditional and the yummiest! With a piece of frybread, a bite of hominy, mmmmm…..

  5. Jodie says:

    Don’t be upset Ryan…I want to be PASH.PU and only three votes! Baruka Salt would say “Daddy I want PASH.PU and I want it now”!

  6. E Dennis says:

    Maybe I am dense and missing what is obvious, but where is the page to poll page where you can vote for Chief? Thanks.

  7. E Dennis says:

    P.S. scratch my last comment…now I see why they are not here! Bummer.

  8. Meredith Drent says:

    Yo, Meat Pie, I’m really happy for you, and I’ma let you finish but Grape Dumplings is the best Osage food of all time. OF ALL TIME.

    What? Someone had to do it.

  9. Evelyn says:

    where are the red corn dumplings? no comment on your name intended.

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