Louis Gray Facebook Page

In accordance with the Osage News Election policy, the Osage News allows each candidate 500 words on OsageNews.org leading up to the June 2010 election.  Candidate posts are listed in reverse chronological order, beginning with the most recent.

Posted March 10, 2010:

By Louis Gray, Candidate for the Osage Nation Congress

One of the most important things you need to know about anyone running for Osage Congress is: do they understand what a congressman should do? I will spend the majority of my time writing laws to address the growing and obvious needs in our government. To clarify the extent of power of the branches, create an Attorney General position within our justice system, and invest in our casinos.

As a congressman I will assist through law-making to allow the type of investment in our casinos to reflect our tremendous opportunity to grow in the gaming industry. The Osage is the downtown casino. We are closer to major highways and to downtown convention business. By not investing in the Tulsa casino we play right into the hands of our competitors.

Our reservation status is crucial to our future. The recent court action is based on emotional fears and not law. The law is on our side and we are correct in stating our case and not giving up. In the meantime we need to proceed with putting our properties into trust.

We need to clarify the language in our constitution which states we are the Supreme law of the reservation over everybody and everything when in many cases we are not. That language has created unnecessary fear and powered the lawsuits against our nation. The truth is we are the most powerful economic engine for growth in northeast Oklahoma not something to fear.

We are clearly under attack but it is based on a misunderstanding of what we are and what our motivations are. If we don’t state our own case it will be made for us and we cannot afford for that to happen.

We have to return trust to government and as leaders of the nation we cannot have a set of ethics laws for one branch and not the other.

Our culture is such an important part of our way of life we must share and protect it with every fiber of our being. Our language is a precious asset, which appears to be on the cusp of showing some real and lasting results.

We are about to start graduating wave after wave of Osage professionals into the workforce and we need to diversify our economic base to bring Osages back home to work.

More than anything we need hard working candidates with a wide range of backgrounds to understand the incredible needs of our Osage people wherever they may live and work.

We are all Osage and must not allow our nation to be splintered into an “us versus them” mentality among ourselves. I propose a call for civility and respect among all governmental officials.

I’m sure some will worry that a Gray on the executive and legislative body would somehow be bad. We should not limit the free expression of good ideas based on anyone’s last name. I have always been an independent thinker and will retain the right to state my position no matter who is sitting in what seat.

Posted February 27, 2010:

By Louis Gray, Candidate for Osage Nation Congress

Louis Gray has announced his intention to run for the Osage Nation Congress. I’m running to help heal the wounds this nation has suffered. I plan to run this campaign free of pointing fingers at anyone and spend my time concentrating on learning more about Osage needs.

I want to use the Osage Strategic Plan as a guide on many issues to be addressed legislatively. I will also be open to real time problems as they arise.

I want to propose we pass all federal grants out of committee on October 1 of each year to allow them to meet the critical needs of our people. Tribal funds should be addressed at the same time, but it appears those funds are often debated vigorously because they belong to the Nation.

I want to be a part of the effort to turn Tulsa Osage Million Dollar Elm into a first class gaming facility. Through the use of tribal bonds, gaming investment and tribal funds we need to compete and grow at our downtown facility. It is the crown jewel of our gaming facilities and we need to compete with Creek and Cherokee casinos that are building everyday, as we do nothing. That can’t stand.

Support the efforts to improve the delivery of healthcare to all Osages. I will push to make the congress susceptible to the same ethics laws the rest of the government is subject to.

I know many worry the campaign will be dirty and full of unpleasant behavior. I don’t think we have to accept that notion. We can all do better.

If you want a candidate who will hate and fight other congressman, the other branches and the Osage people, then you need to look somewhere else.

Now is the time for thoughtful, hard-working lawmakers who are constantly working for ways to improve the lives of our Osage people.

We need to support the preservation of the Osage language and other aspects of our culture. We have made great strides with our world-class program and must continue to bring back the one thing that is uniquely Osage.

My father was on the council when it faced it’s darkest hour and he helped take us off a termination bill. It will take another great effort to progress.

I am a member of the Deer Clan who traditionally serves as the Peacemakers of our tribe. My Osage name is Wah Sha Nompe (Osage whom they fear to see); I was a tail-dancer for 28 years, and now serve my people as a committeeman. I recently joined the Osage Gourd Dance Group.

My favorite activity is spending time with my children and grandchildren. My wife of 7 years is Michelle Vesper Gray. We look forward to serving you, my Osage people.

If elected I promise to work to unite our people and remember that I serve the Osage people they don’t serve me.

For more information you can find my page Louis Gray for Osage Congress on Facebook.

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