Jenny Miller Official Site

In accordance with the Osage News Election policy, the Osage News allows each candidate 500 words on leading up to the June 2010 election.  Candidate posts are listed in reverse chronological order, beginning with the most recent.

Posted March 1, 2010:

By Jenny Miller, Candidate for Osage Nation Congress

As of today, March 1, 2010, we have 99 days left before the election. From March 15th to April 1, Candidates will officially declare their candidacy for office and the campaigning will be in full swing.

I began my campaign in May, 2009 and have dedicated each day to educating myself on the issues of the Osage Nation and forwarding the information to you. For 3 1/2 years, I have studied the actions of our leaders and representatives so that I would be an informed, viable candidate for the Osage government. These efforts have proven to be valuable and I hope an indication to you that I am sincerely dedicated to this cause.
I ask that you consider my willingness to make myself available to you these past 10 months as I will continue to do these next 3. Should I be elected to Congress, I will continue to be available at all times and my newsletters will continue throughout my term. My website will remain as it is today and I will continue to inform the public as always.

Having the willingness to place myself before the Osage Citizenry as I have has proven to be a positive experience for me and I believe for the people. It is my belief that doing so is an act of respect to the citizenry by allowing you the opportunity to get to know me and understand my goals and intent. Yes, I have stumbled on occasion but had I not been working for the good of the citizenry, you never would have known it. This is a risk I’ve been willing to take in order to inform you of the many problems facing this government.
My efforts have been successful due to hard work, consistency and accuracy in reporting. In the last 10 months; I have accumulated over 2,000 recurring visitors to my website and am averaging 10 new visitors each day. The response has been tremendous and for this I am truly grateful. My newsletters and other reports are e-mailed to over 200 members of the Osage Nation.

Because we are nearing the election, it is becoming evident that the competition is beginning to filter in. This is to be expected and from what I understand, we can expect some spirited, brutal and perhaps intimidating actions.

I have no intention of responding, acknowledging or participating in any such activities and will continue to report facts to you as they are received. I am not running against any particular candidate, I am running for a Congressional seat in the Osage Nation Congress. There are 6 seats open in the Congress and I hope to fill one of them. My purpose is not to defend myself against accusations and criticism but to defend the Osage people, our rights and our welfare by performing my duties in an honest, honorable and well thought out manner as your Osage Nation Congress member. Please visit: or call: 918-260-5712 if you have questions.

Posted February 1, 2010:

Government entities are only as good as the people they represent.

Given that the Osage people have been conditioned for over one hundred years to stay out of government affairs, remain silent and by all means not appear radical, all of us are in need of substantial re-conditioning.

Those who shutter when hearing the word “politics” have been placed square in the middle of a Political Government as a result of decisions made by the 31st Council.

Because the 31st Council themselves had been conditioned to believe they were superior to members of the Osage tribe and that they had the last word in all decisions made for the Osage tribe, they took upon themselves an attempt to change federal law.

Though they in reality were unsuccessful in changing federal law, they did succeed in producing an additional form of government which is now the Osage Nation Government. That is ALL that happened. An additional government has been added and one of which can be a plus for all Osage members provided we eliminate those in office who are intent in helping themselves and not the people.

The reality is that the Osage Mineral Trust and Estate is to be governed according to the 1906 Act of which was not changed but clarified for the purpose of establishing an additional membership open to the non-shareholder and to form a government that represents all Osages for other purposes but not the purpose of governing the Osage Minerals Estate.

Now that we have this new government available to us, it is our responsibility to make it work. Now that we have this new government, not only does the Osage Citizenry have to condition themselves to take part by petitioning, proposing legislation and advocating their desires to the elected officials but the elected officials must condition themselves
to recognize and accept that they were elected to REPRESENT the people, not dictate, ignore or feel superior to but to serve the people.

The days of suppressing information, not communicating with the citizenry, believing themselves to be superior to rather than servants for the public must end. We have witnessed much too much of this type of behavior in the past and we must call an end to it today.

Rest assured if I’m elected to Congress, I will keep you abreast of congressional happenings, will answer your e-mails, return your phone calls and provide a website just as I have now. I will assist you with proposals for legislation, I will listen to your concerns and I will be honored to do so.

The Osage people are being and will continue to be taken advantage of by this government. Accept that this is a new day in Osage government. Help to make it successful by being involved and letting your voice be heard.

For more detailed information regarding the citizens roll in government watch for my next newsletter between now and the 15th.

For absentee ballot applications and more, see HOT TOPICS @

Posted January 5, 2010:

By Jenny Miller, Candidate for Osage Nation Congress

Now is the time for all good Osages to come to the aid of their tribe and I take this opportunity to call all of you to action for the sake of our future as a distinct and honorable tribe of Native Americans.

Now is the time to catch up on the problems plaguing our tribe due to the erroneous implementation or no implementation of Osage and federal law.
The true fact is, the U.S. Congress was fully aware that P.L. 108-431 would not change the 1906 Act and that the testimony given at a Congressional Field Hearing on March 15, 2004 was questionable in that those testifying claimed due to not being shareholders, they were not eligible to receive federal funding and that they were not being recognized as members of a federally recognized tribe.

It has been insinuated by our current leader and his attorney that when the new law (P.L. 108-431) came into effect, the 1906 would be dead. NOT TRUE. Testimony claiming that unless membership and our form of government were changed, non-shareholders would continue to be excluded from federal programs was incorrect.

On September 15, 2004, Prior to the U.S. Congress voting to pass P.L. 108-431, the U.S. Senate Report stated that enactment of H.R. 2912 will not effect any changes in existing law. (Existing law being the 1906 Act.)
On the same day, September 15, 2004, the U.S. Congressional Budget Office gave the following report: Congressional Budget Office Estimates that implementing H.R. 2912 would have no effect on the federal budget because federal agencies currently provide services to all Osage Indians and do not restrict services to those considered to be members of the tribe under the Osage Allotment Act.

Because the U.S. Congress thoroughly researched the effects that H.R. 2912 may have on the tribe and the federal government, it is clear that it is not this new law and form of government that has caused the problems we face today, but the implementation and carrying out of the law according to its intent.

The real problem is failure of those in charge to follow not only federal law, but Osage law. It is because of these acts of defiance with regard to any law that the tribe has lost millions of dollars and continues to lose millions.
I call on each and every one of you to visit my website: for details and documented facts. If you’re 18, Osage, and have a membership card, shareholder OR NOT, you’re eligible to vote. Help us save our future by becoming informed of the true facts and voting accordingly in June.

Membership forms, change of address forms and membership applications are available on the HOT TOPICS page. Newsletters, legal documents, and other information can be found at this website including Congressional voting records. A new series entitled DEFIANT ACTS began on January 1, 2010 and can be found by clicking the DEFIANT ACTS link.
Get involved, become informed, and vote for Jenny Miller.

Posted December 29, 2009:

By Jenny Miller, Candidate for Osage Nation Congress

And so it was that a child was born 2,009 years ago.

Let us not forget His birth, and let us not lose ourselves in the fray of this very special time. Light a candle in remembrance of our Savior Jesus Christ, give thanks to God for his precious gift and pray for peace on earth. It is then that the pressures of this season will turn to calm and it is then that you can give your best self to your family. The gift of self, your best self, is the most precious you’ll ever have to give. Be the radiant beam for your family this Christmas and the coming year by living the words of Jesus.

Resolve to be the best you can be. Give love with all of your heart and spread the joy of Christmas to all you see!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Posted November 10, 2009

By Jenny Miller, Candidate for Osage Nation Congress

This month is a time for Thanksgiving and I have much to be thankful for.

I encourage all of you to take time to give thanks and to be thankful for the memories of days gone by and those we miss so dearly. Be thankful for the happy times we shared with our grandparents, our parents, our family and our friends during the holidays and beyond.

I encourage you to make each day a good and happy one for your sake and others because it is today that we have and should make the most of.

Add an extra can of pumpkin or corn to your grocery list for those less fortunate, spare a plate for your neighbor and remember a dear old friend with a call of good wishes.

Experience the kindness in your heart and give freely with love so that others may pass it on. This is a practice that reaps overwhelming rewards of which I have enjoyed since childhood and am grateful to have learned.

For each of you I wish a safe, happy and bountiful Thanksgiving.

Posted November 6, 2009:

By Jenny Miller, Candidate for Osage Nation Congress

What an honor and privilege it is to be a potential part of the preservation, resurrection and stabilization of the Osage heritage, culture and government. I am so very grateful to God for creating me a part of this distinct and honorable tribe of Native Americans.

I look forward to meeting and visiting with more and more Osages as we embark on the up and coming election in 2010.

This is an extremely important election, perhaps the most important we have ever experienced.

Today my mission is to inform the public of the many issues facing us. You, the voter are the most important element in determining the future of the tribe. I encourage you to make every effort to become informed and to participate in the voting process.

I invite you to visit my website at Here you will find Newsletters and HOT TOPICS that will enable you to become aware and stay aware of the many needs of the Osage Nation Government.

It is with great satisfaction that I report to you today my decision to campaign for a seat in the Osage Nation Congress. I ask that you honor me with your support.

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